Vikvr Blog ASL ROMA 4 Recommendations on preventing the effects of heat waves

ASL ROMA 4 Recommendations on preventing the effects of heat waves

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ASL ROMA 4: Recommendations on the prevention of the effects of heat waves

The ASL RM 4, also this year, collaborates with the Lazio Region for the prevention of the effects of heat waves, that is, the risks the high summer temperatures can cause to elderly people, with a situation of high fragility, determined by health problems, social, economic and demographic conditions.

In fact, through the regional project “Alert system for the prevention of the effects of heat waves on health” it is possible from June 15 to September 15, 2016, to connect to the site :, where in addition to the categories that are most at risk to health, what to do in case of need is also listed. It may be a useful contribution to remember the risk categories, as reported by the Ministry of Health:

  • the elderly
  • infants and children
  • pregnant women
  • people with chronic diseases (cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, kidney failure, Parkinson’s disease etc.)
  • people with mental disorders
  • people with reduced mobility and/or who are not self-sufficient
  • people who regularly take medication
  • People who use alcohol and drugs
  • people, including young people, who exercise or do strenuous work outdoors
  • people in socio-economically disadvantaged conditions.

Certain housing conditions (e.g. poor ventilation, lack of air conditioning) can cause discomfort and harmful effects on the health of those most at risk.
This is particularly true in large cities where, due to a number of characteristics” (paved surfaces, concrete of buildings, scarcity of vegetation cover), the temperature, both in summer and winter, is higher than in nearby rural areas.
The effects of heat can also be more severe due to the presence of high concentrations of air pollutants.

It is also important not to underestimate prevention through daily behaviors that can help improve weather conditions, with input from the Department of Civil Defense:

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