Vikvr Blog Anguillara – Biological therapy of tumors as opportunities for patients

Anguillara – Biological therapy of tumors as opportunities for patients

Anguillara – Biological therapy of cancer: what opportunities for patients?

A conference open to the public to discuss the opportunities for therapeutic support offered by psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology (PNEI) and biological cancer therapies, with leading experts in the field

Coping with cancer when official medicine no longer offers hope or getting help to enhance traditional treatments and limit their all too often disabling side effects. New approaches in oncology addressed by PNEI, the medical discipline that studies the relationship between the body and emotions, to which the “The biological therapy of tumors” conference. PNEI approach in integrated oncology” to be held next 30 January 2016, at the Common by Anguillara Sabazia.

The event, free and open to the public, is organized by International Institute of PNEI under the patronage of the Municipality of Anguillara and in collaboration with Natur Srl and Zea Universe herbal center.

The purpose of the event is to inform and shed light on the current opportunities for therapeutic support in oncology according to the latest scientific research from which a complex and unified vision of the individual emerges, where care of the body necessarily also presupposes care of the emotional and mental state. The following will speak Prof. Lissoni, Oncologist of the’San Gerardo Hospital of Monza e President of the’International Institute of PNEI, the Dr.ssa Giusy Messina, Psychologist e Psychotherapist specializing in psychology clinic and the Dr.

Paolo Vigliar, naturopath expert in dietetics holistic e PNEI who will also be in charge of moderating the talks.


Giusy Messina graduated in 2004 with a degree in clinical and community psychology from the University of Milan Bicocca, with the highest marks. Specialized with honors in Psychotherapy at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Milan, she carries out clinical and research activities in the field of Psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology (PNEI), being particularly interested in the relationships between the psychic and psychoneuroimmunological framework of oncological patients. A speaker at numerous national and international scientific conferences, since 2006 she has been an associate member of the International Psycho-Oncology Society and the World Psychiatric Association.

He has to his credit more than 100 scientific publications in renowned national and international journals.

Paolo Lissoni was born in Milan, where he resides, in 1954. Graduated magna cum laude from medical school in 1979. He then obtained medical specializations in Endocrinology at the University of Pavia and Medical Oncology and Internal Medicine at the University of Milan. He currently holds the position of Manager in charge of Specialty Activities for Oncology at the Hospital S. Gerardo di Monza.

Is engaged in scientific activity with numerous researches, both experimental and clinical, in the field of Psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology and cancer biotherapy recording numerous scientific publications in renowned national and international journals. He is considered the father of clinical psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology in cancer.

Paolo Vigliar, after having resided for study and work in Bari, Milan and Trevignano romano (from 1995 to 2010), he returned to Rome, where he was born, and practiced his profession as a professional Counselor expert in Holistic Dietetics and PNEI dealing since 2012 also with Medical Information and nutritional counseling, especially in oncology. She had in fact attended the AICTO (now People’s University) Master’s in Holistic Medicine in Anguillara as well as the ASPIC Master’s in Gestalt Counseling. She has produced numerous articles and medical-scientific publications in Medical Digest over the years, dealing with agri-food education in schools on behalf of the Province of Rome while also becoming president of the Association “Tipicità Tuscia romana”

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