Vikvr Blog Albano Laziale – Traveling breastfeeding campaign stops at castles

Albano Laziale – Traveling breastfeeding campaign stops at castles

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Albano Laziale – Traveling breastfeeding campaign stops at castles

Traveling campaign continues Breastfeeding: the safest way forward, organized by the associations La Goccia Magica, Chiara per i Bambini del Mondo ONLUS, Città delle Mamme Frascati, with the collaboration of the partners Human Rights in Childbirth in Italy and CreAttivamenteOstetriche, the patronage of the Municipality of Genzano di Roma and the Lazio Region and the support of the Lazio Volunteer Service Centers SPES and CESV. The next stop of the pink camper will be in Albano Laziale where, on Sunday, November 1, 2015, it will stop in Viale Risorgimento, precisely in the square near the Civic Museum. In addition to the breastfeeding support provided by volunteer mothers and midwives, they will discuss the immediate postpartum period, a delicate time when the foundations are laid for effective initiation of maternal breastfeeding. UNICEF and WHO indicate, for breastfeeding to get off to the best start, immediate skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby and encourage attaching the baby to the breast within the first two hours after birth. In fact, it has been known for years that it is the baby’s sucking, along with closeness to the mother, that allows the stimulation of hormones so that breast milk is produced in the required amount.

Often, however, due to hospital protocols, especially in cases of cesarean delivery, the meeting between mother and baby occurs later than recommended. Despite regulations requiring that rooming-in be practiced in birth centers, even today there are hospitals where babies are kept in nurseries separate from their mothers, who can consequently breastfeed only on an hourly basis and not on demand, another fundamental indication for proper initiation of breastfeeding. Upon returning home then, after a very assisted and often “medicalized” pregnancy and delivery, it frequently happens that mothers bring with them wounds, such as episiotomies, which are difficult to manage and are a direct consequence of a difficult breastfeeding initiation. On these occasions, mothers and families experience loneliness if they do not know where to turn to. Few ASLs have area services ready to accommodate these families, and few midwives are available in relation to the number of new mothers in the area.

And to think that some problems can be solved with simple steps that if promptly taken lead to a quick resolution. Think of rhagades, one of the most common causes of breastfeeding cessation, generated mostly by improper attachment to the baby’s breast, which can be eradicated simply by modifying the attachment itself so that it becomes correct. At 10 a.m.00 on Sunday, Nov. 1, therefore, in order to unravel all these doubts, the camper will be in the square where greetings from the Mayor of Albano Laziale Nicola Marini: “At a time when the spending review imposes burdensome cuts – declares Marini – this administration has always shown a’special attention to social services and to the so-called weak groups.

Therefore, we could not fail to support a campaign like this that, through the promotion of maternal breastfeeding, encourages healthy child development starting from a proper mother-child relationship.”.

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